Posts in Category: Blockchain

$16 Million Theft from Cryptopia

$16 Million Theft from Cryptopia
According to the assessments by Elementus company, in the recent cyber-attack to the Cryptopia cryptocurrency trade center in New Zealand, about $16 million’s worth of different kinds of assets, especially Ethereum and ERC20 tokens, has been... read more

An Internet Browser Add-on Steals Cryptocurrencies

According to the published report by Kaspersky Lab, a security lab, a Trojan called Razy is stealing cryptocurrencies from its victims as a browser add-on. This Trojan manipulates the results of search engines of the users seeking for a wallet for their cryptocurrencies.


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niTROn Summit and New Hopes for Blockchain Technology

Despite the drop in cryptocurrencies prices and discouragement of many investors and activists in the field Blockchain technologies, the news about niTROn summit in 2019 has sparked a lot of prospects.


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Bitcoin Sale in Thousands of American Stores

Thousands of Bitcoin will be sold at stores in the U.S. Their sale will be carried out at new kiosks installed by Coinstar co. A Bitcoin ATM provider company called CoinMe offers the facilities of Bitcoin purchase with the cooperation of Coinstar company.


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Iranian Government Considers Policymaking for Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies have spread to every corner of the world and has made a lot of noise in almost any country. Asian and Middle Eastern markets have not been an exception, too. Iran has one of the largest cryptocurrency markets in the Middle East, and it seems that the development of this market had an increasing trend in 2018.


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