
Amazon Will Soon Issue its Cryptocurrency; Said Binance CEO

Amazon Will Soon Issue its Cryptocurrency; Said Binance CEO
Chanpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance exchange, the largest crypto exchange in the world with the most daily trades, said on his twitter on January 2, 2019, that the large retail company Amazon will use cryptocurrencies in the future as a payment option, he ... read more

Facebook to Develop its Own Blockchain Project

Facebook Company announced new policies for its promotion plans on January 30, last year when publishing a new update in its official weblog. It banned all enticing promotion activities reportedly including cryptocurrencies advertisements and ICOs according to this statement. In addition to Facebook, Twitter and Google also administered such a decision.


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Bitcoin is Deemed as legal tender From Now On

Bitcoin is Deemed as legal tender From Now On
According to the published news in the beginning of this week, in a statement by Florida’s Third District Court, in case of using Bitcoin (BTC) in financial crimes, it will be considered a type of money. If federal agencies take Bitcoin as a... read more

Getting to Know Concepts of Digital Trust-based Systems

Trust is a risky judgment after investigating future hazard between two parties; in the current digital world, delineating trust entails authentication and attaining permissions; to put it simply, the ultimate objective of this process is to know whether you are whom you say you are and whether you are able to do what you want to.


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Hackers Steal Cryptocurrencies via Changing Phone Numbers

There is a high risk of robbery wherever something valuable is present. Hence the people have entrusted their worthwhile things to a trustworthy person from a long time ago, though it then was undertaken by the banks.


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