
YouTube Malicious Ads About Bitcoin

YouTube published a malicious ad related to a Bitcoin wallet called Electrum. Those who clicked on that ad were directed to another page which was using a scam method called…

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India Will Use Cryptocurrencies

India is the second populous country in the world, and with this population, it is able to change the face of every industry; however, this populated country has chosen to get distance from cryptocurrencies and neglect the latest innovations.

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Ecosystem Healthy of Cryptocurrencies

In order to determine the health of the crypto market, experts use criteria such as users’ activity and market presence, activists, shareholders’ behavior and market maturation. According to the claim…

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Tips For Cryptocurrency Investing

A considerable percentage of them are interested in investing in this market. Though their investing amount is not much, but their tendency and interest in participating in these markets can…

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The Battle of Cryptocurrencies

In a decentralized and free market such as cryptocurrencies, forming competition among members seems highly rational. Such a competition is necessary to reach puberty and equilibrium in every market. 

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North Korean Lazarus Group Attempt to Hack Cryptocurrency Businesses

The Bitcoin policies of North Korea are not yet created officially. Because the national economy, closed borders, the anti-human-movement laws, and internet censorship in this country make the use of Bitcoin in North Korea very difficult.

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Does Apple Credit Card Compete with Bitcoin?

Apple Company has lately offered a new credit card to the market called Apple card. Various features and equipment have been considered for this new credit card, but what Apple emphasizes in the events of public relations and its different plans is some special security arrangements for this new product.


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India Uses Blockchain Technology to Improve Coffee Trade

Perhaps the day that Baba Budan smuggled coffee from Saudi Arabia to India, he did not know that the coffee industry in India will be intertwined with technology and will change that path for coffee makers and coffee drinkers.

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Approached Each Other One Step Closer

News implies that the big retailer company Amazon has started its cooperation with Worldpay Payment Company. This cooperation can be a large step to develop e-commerce and using online payment methods. Senior managers of Amazon are seeking to create more opportunities to make communication with traders across the world.


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