Posts in Category: Bitcoin

What does Warren Buffett say about Bitcoin?

If you have been following the news about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, then you surely know that Warren Buffet does not have a positive idea and stance regarding these new…

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Streaming the Animated Series “Bitcoin and Friends” on YouTube

Cryptocurrencies, starring Bitcoin, create a new story in the world each day. Creating and producing a series called “Bitcoin and friends” is among the thousands of news that is produced daily about Bitcoin and its counterparts and enter the world of communication.


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Will a Cryptocurrency Replace Bitcoin?

The world of cryptocurrencies is developing and growing. Moreover, these days you can hear the good news of an increase in the price of these cryptocurrencies. Some retailers and online shops have opened up to accepting Bitcoin

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What Goes on in the Market of Bitcoin Mining?

Miners or those who address mining different cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin suffer from difficulties the market imposes on them. High charges spent on mining operation cannot be managed easily; however, there are companies such as Bitfarms which were able to manage mining operation costs accurately.


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A Look at the Most Famous Bitcoin Trades in the World

Even though Bitcoin has had a lot of turbulence during its short lifetime, but it cannot be denied that it had the capacity to become a grand and adventurous currency. In this short amount of time that cryptocurrencies have been in the world,

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After Venezuela, a Solution for Argentina

The big gate of cryptocurrencies is open to all and anyone is free to learn how to do business with it. As each day goes by the popularity of these currencies rises more and more, and they attempt to enter all fields from entertainment to economy, Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are growing.


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What Factors Affect the Value and Price of Bitcoin?

The value of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies has frequent volatilities. At the start of entering Bitcoin to the market, it has not been defined as a specified value for that, since no one accepted receiving and purchasing it for a given amount of USD. With the beginning of minor trades, a price was gradually determined for newcomer cryptocurrencies.


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What Are the Effects of Bitcoin on the Global Economy?

In the short amount of time that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have entered the world of economy, there have been a lot of rumors about them. Many startups are looking to conduct projects revolving around Blockchain, investors in different fields are thinking about using Bitcoin, and a lot of attention has been attracted to this new technology.


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