Introduce Counos H

Counos Layer

Counos Layer platform allows for defining and designing new tokens and digital currencies. At the moment, Counos Layer is being offered on top of the Blockchain network of Counos H, and various tokens with different functions are being offered. The transactions on Counos Layer are in fact special transactions on the network of Counos H. Given that blocks are mined with a fast pace and transactions have a low fee, Counos Layer can be used as a competitive edge in comparison with existing networks.

Soon, more capabilities will be introduced in this platform. Stay tuned for more news from Counos Layer Platform.

Create new digital currency

Create new digital currency

In order to have a new digital currency, you can easily create a new token on the Blockchain network of Counos Layer platform. Then with the different definitions provided in the network, you can manage this asset according to your needs and commercial demands.


Interesting point is that in order to do this, there is no need for programming or technical knowledge. Only by filling out a few parameters, your new token will be ready.

All currently active Tokens can be found here.

Crowdfunding Based on Blockchain Technology

Crowdfunding Based on Blockchain Technology

Counos Layer makes decentralized crowdfunding possible and easy. Crowdsale participants can send digital currencies or tokens directly to an issuer address and the Counos Layer automatically delivers the crowdfunded tokens to the sender in return. This entire process can be done without the need for a third party. 

To find out more detail, please visit this  Link

All currently active crowdsales can be found here.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

In the new version of Counos Layer, non-fungible tokens or NFTs can be issued and it will also be possible to delegate the management of a token to another address.
Once these new features are added to this platform,  the rules of the Counos Layer protocol will automatically be upgraded/changed and become incompatible with older versions of Counos Layer Core.
When this function is added, users will be able to create managed tokens with a unique index, grant data, issuer data, and holder data. 
Please stay tuned to find out exactly when the new release will come out.

How It Works?

Counos Layer was developed primarily on top of the Omnilayer protocol. But it has been changed by Counos to work based on Counos H Blockchain network. This platform is in fact a layer which provides advanced exchange features like custom currency, decentralized trading, smart contracts, etc. Since it is a layered protocol for the Counos H system, all Omni tokens can technically be referred to as tokens of the Counos H Blockchain, with exchanges or wallets that support Counos H (CCH).
Being a platform that is built on top of the Counos H(CCH) Blockchain, the transactions pertaining to Counos Layer are all recorded and assessed by the Counos H network.


Embedding CounosLayer Transactions in the Blockchain

The Counos Layer Protocol was specified to embed data in the Blockchain using the OP_RETURN opcode (for most transactions) making most Counos Layer Protocol data completely prune-able (Class C). This class of transactions are considered to be suitable as a result of the fact that the prune-able outputs avoiding issues of “bloat” and “pollution” of the Blockchain.
Counos H core wallet lets you choose which address CCHs come from when you make a payment, and Counos Layer transactions must all come from the address which holds the Counos Layer currency being used. If a Counos H wallet contains CCHs stored in multiple addresses, the user (or Counos Layer Protocol software) must first ensure that the address which is going to send the Counos Layer transaction has sufficient balance in CCHs to create the transaction.
Then, the Counos Layer-related transaction can be sent successfully from that address.
In other words, unlike Counos H structure, where the From address is not an important concept to send currencies to other parties, in Counos Layer transactions, we must define the From address exactly and this address must have CCHs balance in addition to token balance to be able to send tokens to other party.



When you send a simple transaction or some other action in Counos Layer , you must pay the CCH corresponding transaction fee by CCH balance, (CCH balance must be available on From address). But you will not pay any fee to Counos Layer on any of these transactions:
1- All tokens in the Counos Layer Protocol can be sent (using simple send) with no fees
2- Creating an asset does not carry a fee.
3- Asset management (changing ownership, issuing new tokens, revoking tokens, etc.) does not carry a fee.
So the transaction fee values will not change based on Token Price, and it only depends on CCH prices. These fee vales will be a very low and negligible cost compared with other networks like Bitcoin or Ethereum.