Posts in Category: Analyze

The vulnerability of 25 Cryptocurrencies Against Fake Stake Attack

In many cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, the miner that finds the answer of the difficult problem sooner will be able to confirm the transaction and receive the award and transaction fee. In this model, the miner with more processing ability will have more chance in finding the answer to the difficult problem. 

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A Review on Bitcoin Value in 2018

The year 2018 was very noisy for the cryptocurrency (a type of encrypted currency which is called electronic money too). The bitcoin price (a kind of cryptocurrency based on Blockchain) astonishingly dropped about 73%. Its value was $13850.50 on January 1., and $3709.50 on December 31

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Cryptocurrency Conferences Are Still Developing Despite Economic Recession in this Industry

Cryptocurrencies price has dramatically lowered in the last year, and the public’s attention to this area has been decreasing in recent months. Yet, according to the recent data, the conferences on cryptocurrency and Blockchain have not continuously declined during the last six months in 2018.


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ESCOBAR, A Crypto Innovation to Fault U.S. President Policies

Since being elected as the U.S. president in June 2015, Donald Trump has frequently forced Mexico to pay for building a wall at the southern U.S. border despite being understood that this plan isn't going to be practical. President Trump claims that about 90% of Americans lose the opportunity of having a healthy and prosperous lifestyle due to drug trafficking observed in the southern borders of the U.S. This allegation is supposedly the most critical reason for him to insist on constructing a wall along the U.S and Mexico borders.


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cryptocurrencies are as old as favors

I owe Jack Shaw a favor. It’s one of those, “This one time in Cambodia...” type of favors. We won’t speak of it beyond perhaps a nod and wink. It’s not written down anywhere; the details of such are so vague as to be almost non existent, while encompassing the known universe

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U.S. Department of Energy Grants $8 Million Budget for Technology Research Including Blockchain...

According to a report published on January 7, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that it has invested $4.8 million for academic research of technologies such as Blockchain (a distributed, encrypted, and secure database). The DOE fossil energy office announced this investment.


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