Posts in Category: News

Self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto Responds to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Craig Wright has claimed that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, and has made a lot of hype with this claim. On Friday, February 15, he sent two almost identical return letters to U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a senior scientist at the nChain institute.


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Will QuadrgaCX Exchange Succeed in Compensating its Customers’ Loss?

The exchanges were the old form of today’s banks which undertook storing, converting and transferring money and currency. Although exchanges gradually disappeared with the advent of the banks, we see a kind of exchange today which works in the field of cryptocurrencies.

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The release of Cryptocurrency Stealing Malware on Torrent

In the recent years, with the advance of information and communications technology, we have seen a surge in the development of all kinds of sabotage and espionage malware. Many of these released malwares are made to steal important information so that financial goals can be achieved through them

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More Oil Companies Join Vakt Platform to Trade Energy Carriers

According to Reuters American press on January 16, one of the largest multi-national American energy companies Chevron, besides two other big companies have joined Vakt Blockchain platform to trade energy commodities located in the United Kingdom.


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University Researchers Are Designing a New Cryptocurrency Faster Than Bitcoin

Some professors at U.S. universities are designing a cryptocurrency more powerful than Bitcoin. This superiority allows processing thousands of transactions a second. This cryptocurrency design team is composed of professors from seven prominent U.S. universities such as Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California and Berkeley.


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ESCOBAR, A Crypto Innovation to Fault U.S. President Policies

Since being elected as the U.S. president in June 2015, Donald Trump has frequently forced Mexico to pay for building a wall at the southern U.S. border despite being understood that this plan isn't going to be practical. President Trump claims that about 90% of Americans lose the opportunity of having a healthy and prosperous lifestyle due to drug trafficking observed in the southern borders of the U.S. This allegation is supposedly the most critical reason for him to insist on constructing a wall along the U.S and Mexico borders.


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