
Cryptocurrency Transfers and Some Security Precautions

According to the definitions about cryptocurrencies, they are actually currencies that trading with them doesn’t need any central bank and there is no need of encryption and programming techniques to produce them

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Do You Know Elon Musk’s Favorite Cryptocurrency?

Elon Musk is one of the most famous entrepreneurs in the field of technology. Different achievements he has obtained in entrepreneurship and technology has turned him into one of the most important people in the world.

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All You Need to Know about Cryptocurrencies

The economy of the current world has turned into a digital economy. The existence of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain technology are the manifestations of this change. However, given the fame that cryptocurrencies have gained, still come topics about them are vague.


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Will a Cryptocurrency Replace Bitcoin?

The world of cryptocurrencies is developing and growing. Moreover, these days you can hear the good news of an increase in the price of these cryptocurrencies. Some retailers and online shops have opened up to accepting Bitcoin

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Will Bitcoin Bloom Again?

By flourishing the value and price of Bitcoin in 2017, it seems that the primary investors in this market will continue working in the world of cryptocurrencies more hopefully; however, nothing proceeded according to the predictions and recession and lethargy attacked Bitcoin market and its peers. Can the future of this cryptocurrency be predicted?


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Replace Credit Cards in Future

The result of the function of payments based on Blockchain is growing these days. It is completely obvious that sooner or later Blockchain will replace credit cards. A decade ago, digital cards such as credit cards entered the financial businesses and caused changes that of course led to life being easier.

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Android Malware Attacking 32 Crypto Apps

A new Android malware has targeted highly-used cryptocurrency applications such as Coinbase, Bitpay, and Bitcoin wallet and also banks such as JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America. This report was…

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Financial Firms Offer Services Based on Blockchain

Two English and Russian financial firms are planning to offer financial services on Blockchain platform. These two firms intend to offer various services such as online payments and opening user…

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