
Central Banks Consent to Accept Cryptocurrencies?

Central Banks Consent to Accept Cryptocurrencies?
Central banks usually don’t bear the risk and don’t have the tendency to take the risk. By risk, we mean investing in the fields wherein the chance of success is predictable. After cryptocurrencies entering the world’s money and... read more

Artificial Intelligence Was Able to Stop a Ponzi Scheme in South Korea

A special investigating team in Seoul, the capital city of South Korea, using AI has succeeded in stopping a Ponzi scheme. According to the Police report, people who were behind this scheme stole $18.7 million from 56,000 investors.


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FSMA Updates the Blacklist of Crypto Sites

Belgium’s Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) has published a list of various websites in the field of cryptocurrency. All these websites had fraudulent signs. This list has now announced…

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Streaming the Animated Series “Bitcoin and Friends” on YouTube

Cryptocurrencies, starring Bitcoin, create a new story in the world each day. Creating and producing a series called “Bitcoin and friends” is among the thousands of news that is produced daily about Bitcoin and its counterparts and enter the world of communication.


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China Is a Pioneer in Blockchain Projects

According to the report on on April 2, China is already a pioneer in the Blockchain-related projects. 263 Blockchain-related projects are being implemented currently in China which include…

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Cryptocurrency Transfers and Some Security Precautions

According to the definitions about cryptocurrencies, they are actually currencies that trading with them doesn’t need any central bank and there is no need of encryption and programming techniques to produce them

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Do You Know Elon Musk’s Favorite Cryptocurrency?

Elon Musk is one of the most famous entrepreneurs in the field of technology. Different achievements he has obtained in entrepreneurship and technology has turned him into one of the most important people in the world.

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All You Need to Know about Cryptocurrencies

The economy of the current world has turned into a digital economy. The existence of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain technology are the manifestations of this change. However, given the fame that cryptocurrencies have gained, still come topics about them are vague.


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