
The First American Giant Bank in the Domain of Cryptocurrencies

JP Morgan Chase, one of the most famous American banks, started working in the field of cryptocurrency after issuing JPM Coin. Jamie Dimon CEO of JP Morgan Chase has named Bitcoin a “fraud” in September 2017; however, he changed his mind after a while, to the extent that he introduced cryptocurrencies a risk for a business of the banks under his management. In reaction to this turnabout, Alan Silbert, an old timer bank CEO, said in a tweet: “Backpedaling is the first step in the program towards walking the path.”


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What is Double Spending Attack?

Bitcoin, which works on the infrastructure of Blockchain, was the first cryptocurrency to enter the market; but it wasn’t the first attempt at creating a digital monetary system.


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A $30,000 Reward for Discovering Bug in the Coinbase Exchange

The Hackerone website is one of the largest and most well-known websites among developers and hackers, and it provides reward-giving programs which works toward discovering vulnerabilities and fixing them. 

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Regulation of Crypto in Developed Countries Part 4

Malaysia: Cryptocurrencies as Securities Malaysia is among the countries that has recently published its regulations about encryption industry and cryptocurrency. This means that cryptocurrencies will be within the purview of…


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Regulation of Crypto in Developed Countries

According to local government reports, Chinese legislators do not recognize cryptocurrencies as legal money or a tool for payment operations, and the banking system of China has not recognized cryptocurrencies…

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