
The release of Cryptocurrency Stealing Malware on Torrent

In the recent years, with the advance of information and communications technology, we have seen a surge in the development of all kinds of sabotage and espionage malware. Many of these released malwares are made to steal important information so that financial goals can be achieved through them

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Using the Customers’ Hacked Data in Cryptocurrency Exchanges for Sale on Dark Web

According to the report which has recently published, a hacker with the nickname of ExploitDOT has claimed hacking cryptocurrency exchanges information related to the customers’ personal data from large exchanges like Bittrex, Bitfinex, and Binance. In an advertising post, he has remarked that he will sell the information on Dark Web market.


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More Oil Companies Join Vakt Platform to Trade Energy Carriers

According to Reuters American press on January 16, one of the largest multi-national American energy companies Chevron, besides two other big companies have joined Vakt Blockchain platform to trade energy commodities located in the United Kingdom.


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University Researchers Are Designing a New Cryptocurrency Faster Than Bitcoin

Some professors at U.S. universities are designing a cryptocurrency more powerful than Bitcoin. This superiority allows processing thousands of transactions a second. This cryptocurrency design team is composed of professors from seven prominent U.S. universities such as Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California and Berkeley.


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Cryptocurrency Conferences Are Still Developing Despite Economic Recession in this Industry

Cryptocurrencies price has dramatically lowered in the last year, and the public’s attention to this area has been decreasing in recent months. Yet, according to the recent data, the conferences on cryptocurrency and Blockchain have not continuously declined during the last six months in 2018.


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Deconstruction of Decentralized Exchanges

The architectural structure of decentralized exchanges and the performance, as well as security tradeoffs related to different architectural choices, are delineated in the present article. Decentralized exchanges are critical in the process of cryptocurrencies transactions. By “decentralized exchange” we mean distributed ledger protocols and applications to transact cryptocurrencies without the requirement of any trusted centralized entity as an intermediary.


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