Australia Getting Serious About Crypto Regulations

Last Modified:23 Aug 2022 16:51:00
Australia Getting Serious About Crypto Regulations


  • Good news for ETH lovers; Kraken’s futures platform now allows using ADA as collateral. “U Today”


  • The Binance CCO stated that hackers managed to program an AI hologram of him, a kind of deepfake, that was used to scam. “Bitcoin News”


  • Over 99 percent of the erroneously minted AUSD has been burned. “Coin Telegraph”


  • The Euro dropped below the USD for the second time in 20 years. “Bitcoin News”


  • The average transaction fee in Bitcoin network goes below 1 dollar. “Coin Telegraph”


  • Australia is getting serious about regulating the crypto industry. “U Today”


  • Brazilian crypto investment company Bluebenx is facing liquidity issues and has stopped withdrawals for users since last week. “Bitcoin News”


  • The US charge against a former Coinbase employee may be indicative of a broader insider trading issue at the platform. “Bloomberg Crypto”


  • Crypto Punk and Bored Apes Yacht Club floor values have gone head-to-head recently. “Bitcoin News”



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