Processed More than $37M Bitcoin

Last Modified:8 Dec 2019 10:55:39
Processed More than $37M Bitcoin

Processed More than $37 Million Bitcoin Donations

Bitpay, which is the largest Blockchain payments provider in the world, announced that more than $37 million Bitcoin donations have been processes by this company since 2017. The latest charity organization that has opened up its charity donations to Blockchain payment is the Tony Hawk foundation.

Tony Hawk foundation is among many other organizations that are involved in charity work via the Blockchain technology such as the American National Red Cross, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Greenpeace, The San Francisco Foundation, Heifer International, The Water Project, Teach for America, United Way Innovation Fund and the Wikimedia Foundation.

Like other foundations, the Tony Hawk foundation, that supports the young people in low-income communities, accepts donations in Bitcoin through Bitpay.

Why Do Charity Organizations Are Turning to Blockchain?

If charity organizations accept donations via Blockchain, for example through websites like Bitpay, then a wider range of people can access them easily and donate. Also, the fees that these websites require for these types of transactions are usually low. For example, Bitpay gets a fee of 1 percent which is lower than most well-known credit card companies.

In addition, all the donations made through Bitpay are considered tax exempt. Furthermore, using such an infrastructure enables people to engage in charitable activities from anywhere and at any time; for example, you can simply and safely donate with your smart phone.