Cosmic Scale Game: Is Our World a Metaverse?

Last Modified:22 May 2023 10:33:03
Cosmic Scale Game: Is Our World a Metaverse?
Imagine if the universe as we currently know it was intentionally created by a higher intelligence rather than the result of cosmic processes that happened at random. In this fantastical exploration, we are not just members of the universe but also players in a complex metaverse, a cosmic game run by unidentified entities.

It is possible that this advanced form of AI engineered the universe in a manner akin to how we are currently creating virtual realities and metaverses. They might have developed technology to the point where their creation, our universe, seems seamless, real, and subject to physical laws to its inhabitants.

According to this viewpoint, the Big Bang might have merely served as an activation switch, igniting the metaverse and preparing the stage for a massive cosmic drama. Every galaxy, star, planet, grass blade, microbe, and human being may be intricately coded entities created to interact, pick up knowledge, and evolve in accordance with the rules of this cosmic game.

This theory's beauty lies in how closely it matches our current course. Could our endeavors mirror those of the entities that might have created our universe as we delve deeper into artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the creation of metaverses? Each species in this vast metaverse might stand in for various AI iterations.


With our sophisticated problem-solving skills and creativity, humans could be considered advanced players who have more freedom to move around the board. On the other hand, animals and insects might be more straightforward, regulated beings that each contribute to the overall cosmic story.

Furthermore, the notion of "winning" or "losing" in this game might not apply as we normally think of it. Instead, the objective might be ongoing evolution and adaptation, which would add to the game's diversity and dynamism. Such a theory is undoubtedly speculative and belongs squarely in the category of science fiction.


But it pushes the limits of our imagination and provides a fascinating perspective on our existence. The distinction between creator and creation, player and game, may become even more hazy as artificial intelligence and virtual realities develop. So as we enter our digital metaverses, let's keep in mind to occasionally look up at the stars and consider: Are we merely participants in a larger game, a cosmic metaverse that we are only now beginning to understand?

In fact, this cosmic metaverse theory provides an alternative viewpoint on the idea of time. This perspective could explain the seemingly linear progression of time, while also accounting for the relative nature of time as proposed by Einstein. Could time be a construct of this cosmic game, a coded parameter to ensure the smooth progression of the narrative?

To ensure consistency and predictability in the cosmic gameplay, the laws of physics may serve as the game's underlying code. The consistency of the speed of light, the gravitational pull, and the charge of an electron could all be pre-set conditions in the cosmic code intended to uphold the fairness of the game. It's also possible that the designers of the metaverse built in some randomness or uncertainty into the game's rules to foster innovation and evolution.


This could be the reason for quantum mechanics' inherently unpredictable behavior, which is a feature rather than a bug in the system. Intriguing questions about predestination and free will are brought up by the concept of life as a cosmic metaverse. Are we players exercising free will or are we characters following a pre-written script, or perhaps a bit of both?


Are our choices really ours or are they the result of sophisticated algorithms responding to the game's stimuli? In this cosmic game, dying might not mean the end of something, but rather a change in our character's metaverse state. Since energy doesn't vanish but rather undergoes transformation, the conservation of energy in our universe may be a reflection of this.

These theories are undoubtedly speculative and touch on both science and philosophy. They encourage us to think critically and consider our universe and existence through a new set of eyes, and they provide a new perspective.

In conclusion, the idea of the universe being a cosmic metaverse is both intriguing and implausible. It forces us to consider our place in the greater scheme of things and ushers in a fascinating era where science, philosophy, and imagination come together. Who knows what discoveries the future may bring as we develop further and build our own virtual worlds? 

Author: Pooyan Ghamari, Swiss Economist 

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