Time for Spending libra

Last Modified:8 Dec 2019 11:46:11
Time for Spending libra

Is It Time for Spending Facebook Money?

The stablecoin of Facebook, known as the “global coin” will soon be published. After the many volatilities around the stablecoin of this well-known company, it will be released to the market. According to reports, this cryptocurrency is not at all similar to Bitcoin. If you look at the development process of Facebook, you will be faced with an interesting series of services that have been offered by this country during this time. At first, Facebook gathered your friends around, then it organized your images and became an important part of your memories, and now it wants to provide the money in your pocket.

Facebook Cryptocurrency Enters Powerfully

One of the most important weaknesses that are posed to cryptocurrencies right now is their inability in attracting the opinion of well-known companies as support. But by considering this point carefully, Facebook has entered the field in a smart way and has already got into negotiations with 12 very important companies such as VISA, Master Card, Uber, and PayPal and has gained their positive view about investing and supporting.

Another reason that gets critics’ look toward cryptocurrencies terrifying is the fact that they can be used in illicit activities. The volatilities in price and value also add to the fact that critics do not find cryptocurrencies reliable. But apparently, Facebook will resolve all these issues. The presence of well-known companies next to this cryptocurrency and putting actual currencies as the support of it will greatly distinguish this currency from cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

What Is the Smartness of Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, has negotiated with the U.S. treasury and the bank of England. It seems that this young genius has some long-term plans in his mind. He says that the realm of payment is only one of the sections that we can enter with the help of Facebook cryptocurrency. However, the plan and program that Zuckerberg intends to use for making cryptocurrency transactions is also very interesting. He wants the process of transferring money to be as easy as sending images in different messaging services. Of course, the system that this company has designed is not considered completely decentralized. There will not be central control by Facebook in the network, but the companies that were previously mentioned will accompany this company throughout this project and they will be available in the network as nodes and will issue permits for transactions.

Should We Be Optimistic About the Stablecoin of Facebook?

Some of the critics of Facebook believe that the unpleasant history of this company in leaking the private information of users in the past will prevent much support from its cryptocurrency. But it is unlikely that there will be a mistake this time and Facebook has probably entered the field with full hands. The simplicity that will be created in making financial transactions and communications with these new tools will surely be so much that it will attract users. But with all the optimism that has shaped around the cryptocurrency of Facebook, we should still wait and see what will happen in the coming weeks and months.
