Redefining the Concept of Power

Last Modified:29 Jun 2023 10:31:14
Redefining the Concept of Power


Concepts of power are often fraught with connotations of control and superiority and require deeper exploration. Beyond the conventional narrative, power has an underappreciated dimension that is transformative in nature, able to change the way we think about ourselves and society. The idea that "you are strong when you are not lacking" invites us to reevaluate our relationship with the external factors that seem to dominate our lives. The world is often seen as a matrix of wants and needs that promotes a concept of power based on external approval, economic hegemony and attention. However, the key to real power is self-sufficiency and freedom from these superficial demands.

First, let's reframe our thinking about "needs." The needs are mostly basic survival needs such as food, water, shelter and safety. In addition to these elements, the matrix of our society propagates several "needs": material wealth, social status and constant validation. These "needs" act as external crutches, limiting our potential for self-actualization and instilling in us a sense of powerlessness when they are not met.

True power arises from the ashes of these false needs. It thrives when we realize that our nature is not defined by these fleeting desires. It's not about rejecting money, status, or attention outright, but about understanding their status and purpose. They are tools, not destinations. They can make our journey easier, but they shouldn't define our lives or define our self-worth. Freeing ourselves from external attachments, we enter the realm of inner power. This power comes from self-awareness, understanding our innate worth, and cultivating inner peace and contentment. It's about realizing that our existence is whole, not limited by society's expectations.

The journey to inner strength requires courage, endurance and awareness. It's about developing a sense of self, distinguishing between fleeting desires and inner worth. This mindful lifestyle can help us connect with our inner selves, identify our true desires, and realize our potential. In this state of self-sufficiency, we can communicate more effectively and authentically with the world. Using the true nature of power as our compass, we can confidently traverse the matrix of our lives and use our influence to shape a world that lives up to the values ​​of empathy, inclusiveness, and justice. It is not a withdrawal from the world, but a more enlightened engagement with it.

When we redefine power, we allow ourselves to reach our full potential. This is not to say that we will never face challenges or setbacks; it means that we will be better able to face them without losing our sense of self. With this power, we not only become better individuals, but also contribute to building a stronger society. This shift in power is moving us toward a future where everyone recognizes their inherent worth and potential. In this world, power is not about dominating others, but about empowering yourself, which in turn empowers others. This is the true nature of power, a condition that enriches us and those around us. Let's step into this realm of inner strength and inspire others to do the same. 


Author: Pooyan Ghamari, Swiss Economist and Specialist in Blockchain Technology

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