
Crypto Region in South Korea

All the looks are on the U.S. and the expectations to recognize cryptocurrencies and Blockchain hoping to do official measures on the part of this company are continued while the countries like Switzerland and South Korea should not be neglected

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Industry Get Along with Blockchain

Different cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Litecoin have entered the commerce and business market under the auspices of Bitcoin and have been able to make amazing changes in the field of financial communications.

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Ticket Sale via Blockchain

The second biggest airline in Russia has gain a remarkable benefit through selling its tickets based on Blockchain. During a month, the sale amount is estimated about $1 million. According to S7 company report, the successful results of selling ticket through Blockchain platform show the possibility of profitable usage of this new technology in the businesses to have more income. The application of Blockchain in different businesses can bring about more benefit and boom.


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Price of Altcoin More than Real Value

The active community in the field of cryptocurrencies is very well familiar with the bubble price in this market. Many times, there have been different commotions in the world of cryptocurrencies and there have been quite a few attempts to end this market ...

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Mining in Different Parts of World

Mining Bitcoin is carried out in various parts of the world. Considering the limitations imposed by some governments in this regard and high electricity consumed in this process, mining is a little difficult.

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Approach of Generation Z

Generation Z refers to those who were born in the nineties and two thousands who are recognized by different names such as the “internet generation” too. What is the approach of this generation who will be included in the working market and more serious economic and commercial activities in the world in the coming years toward cryptocurrencies?

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(AI) Will Move the World

(AI) Will Move the World
The Collaboration Between Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Move the World The technologies of Blockchain and artificial intelligence are among the most important technologies that have caught the attention of the public and those in ... read more

An Innovation by Islamic Expert,Halal Coin!

Since the time cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology have found prevalence among people, they started to develop into the countries with different technological infrastructures, economic frameworks, climate and religion.


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Might Go Above $11,000

As some Bitcoin experts had predicted, the price of Bitcoin went above $10,500 today August 3, 2019, and according to the charts it is going toward $11,120, which means a full force bull market once again.


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