
Blockchain Can Enter the Field of Copyright

Blockchain Can Enter the Field of Copyright
Do you know Blockchain with Bitcoin? If the answer is yes, I should tell you that Blockchain has numerous other uses that creative people have discovered and applied in various fields. If you are interested in writing, creating content in different... read more

Blockchain to Be Used in Voting Systems

Blockchain to Be Used in Voting Systems
At the start of the Blockchain technology route, it was thought that the mentioned network would be used just in scientific fields. However, it is not the case. In fact, there are many applications for Blockchain network. This new technology can... read more

Support of Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency in Russia

The central bank of Russia has announced that cryptocurrencies that are backed by gold will provide a lot of facilities in international payments and interactions. While Russia had already banned…

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Blockchain Will Revolutionize the World of Retail

Blockchain Will Revolutionize the World of Retail
Blockchain can play a role in any field of industry and life. One of the main applications of this technology is the development of the services trend in the retail industry. The entrance of Blockchain to the field of technology has led to a change... read more

Mining Cryptocurrencies, the Students’ Part-time Job

Each new technology is followed by incompatible news, numerous discussions will be created about it, and different groups will investigate the threats and opportunities resulting from it

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Louis Vuitton Enters the World of Blockchain

Louis Vuitton Enters the World of Blockchain
If you are interested in fashion, you are surely familiar with the well-known and expensive Louis Vuitton brand. If you are not, you have at least heard its names. This famous brand has decided to take measure in proving the authenticity of its... read more

Accepting Cryptocurrencies in Paying Phone Bills by AT&T

With more than a decade passing from bitcoin advent and developing different types of cryptocurrencies and despite weaknesses of this field in competition with the existing common payment methods,

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It Will Be Possible to Use Cryptocurrencies with Samsung Pay

Samsung intends to add the possibility of making crypto transactions to Samsung Pay. This company holds 80 percent of the payments market shares in South Korea and offers services similar to that of Apple Pay

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